Providing our residents with sustainable water solutions


The Board of Directors of Bilma PUD is pleased to announce that there are a number of ways to pay your water bill. Visit our Water page to see the multiple options available.


Sign up to receive critical information about the district when it’s most needed. Registration only takes a few minutes.


Before you begin, please gather one of the following items to search for your account:

  • Account Number (CAD)
  • Owner LAST Name and FIRST Name
  • Street Address



Welcome to the Bilma PUD Website. The District hopes this site will allow for quick and easy access to information for our customers. The District’s objective is to provide the residents and commercial establishments, OUR CUSTOMERS, with a continuous supply of quality drinking water, a safe sewer system, excellent service to our customers and good budgetary management for the present and the future.

Freeze Warning Preparation

With freezing temperatures right around the corner, it’s a good time to refresh ourselves on precautionary measures for drops in temperature and cold weather.

The Four P’s to Prepare your Home this Winter:

  • People
  • Pets
  • Pipes
  • Plants


  • Avoid going outside if it is not necessary. If you do, make sure you layer up from head to toe.
  • To keep you and your family safe, it is imperative your home is warm.
  • Make sure your heat is set to an appropriate temperature to make your entire home comfortable. Remember, heat rises so if you sleep upstairs, your room may be warmer than rooms downstairs.
  • If you use a fireplace, make sure you have a screen to catch any embers that might escape or a rolling log.
  • Never use your stove or oven to heat your home.
  • If you smell smoke or see flames, call 9-1-1 immediately.


  • While protecting your family, it is imperative to protect your pets as well.
  • Pets, like humans, are vulnerable to cold temperatures. If not taken care of properly, they can succumb to frostbite and even hypothermia.
  • If you have a dog that typically lives outdoors, consider letting them inside when temperatures drop to freezing. While their fur does help to keep them warm, it provides little help in freezing temperatures.
  • If you absolutely cannot bring them inside, make sure they have a warm shelter, plenty of food and fresh water so it does not freeze.
  • If your pet looks like it has any symptoms resembling frostbite or hypothermia, call your vet.


  • Turn off the sprinkler system shut-off valve. Most residential devices have two shut-off valves. These are typically covered in blue on the valve handles and located before and after the sprinkler system backflow device. A diagram is shown below.
  • Release the water pressure from the bleeder valves. The bleeder valves are usually located under the top of the backflow device. If the water does not stop flowing you may have not shut the valves off completely.
  • Leave the smaller bleeder valve open, this will let any remaining water in the line expand without breaking the device. Insulate your backflow device. Most hardware/home services stores carry backflow insulation supplies.
  • Make sure to cover all your exposed pipes with a cover. You can also cover your pipes with towels, duct tape or another adhesive strip as long as they are wrapped tightly.
  • You can also open up the cabinets to let warm air circulate throughout your home. Just make sure any harmful chemicals are out of reach for children and pets.


  • When cold weather hits, it’s a good idea to bring in all of your outdoor plants.
  • If you can’t bring in the plant, cover it with a blanket to make sure they do not die.

Other Tips

  • Don’t forget to make sure your car is okay for the freezing temperatures. Check your anti-freeze and your batteries. Also make sure to check your tire pressure and the tread.
  • Speaking of cars, make sure when you are on the road that you are mindful parts of the roads may be frozen, particularly bridges. Do not speed and never slam on the brakes.
  • Make sure if you use a generator, it is outdoors. Do not use a generator inside, including in your garage.
By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Home News, Latest News|

Board of Directors Approves Lower NHCRWA Fee and 2023 Tax Rate

At its regular meeting on October 5, 2023, the Bilma PUD Board of Directors voted on the following fiscal matters:

  • Reduced the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (“NHCRWA”) fee Bilma customers are charged from $4.65 to $4.15 per 1,000 gallons of water used.
  • Approved a 2023 total tax rate of $0.455 per $100 of assessed valuation. This is a $0.135 decrease since 2013.

Customers will see the impact of the reduced NHCRWA fee on their next water bill.

While property values, which are determined by the Harris County Appraisal District, increased on average by 10%, the Board was committed to keeping tax bills as low as possible while still fulfilling the District’s obligations.

By |October 13th, 2023|Categories: Home News, Latest News|

District Downgrades to Stage 1 Drought Contingency Measures

Due to recent rain and drop in temperatures, the District is immediately terminating Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan and is reimplementing Stage 1 and requests that all customers immediately begin implementing the following actions:

  • Limit irrigation to no more than two (2) days per week, between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. following the schedules below:
    • Sundays and Thursdays for single family residential customers with even-numbered street addresses.
    • Saturdays and Wednesdays for single family residential customers with odd-numbered street addresses.
    • Tuesdays and Fridays for all other customers.
  • No watering on Mondays.
  • Check for and repair all leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets.
  • Utilize water conservation measures such as displacement bags, low-flow shower heads and leak detection tablets.
  • Additional water conservation tips can be found

These measures are voluntary, but should drought conditions worsen, mandatory measures may be implemented.

For more information on drought conditions in the area and voluntary water conservation measures being implemented by the North Harris County Regional Water Authority, please visit:

By |October 9th, 2023|Categories: Home News, Latest News|


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